Hosted Stays & Bartering

Hosted Stays.

What is a Hosted Stay?

A Hosted Stay is when a vacation rental or hotel offers a free night or weekend stay in exchange for free promotion.

Promotion includes videos, photos, and a blog about our time at your rental shared to Facebook, Instagram, and this website. Stories and posts leading up to the stay, tagging your business, will also be posted. You will be sent a link to a Google folder filled with videos and photos taken during this trip, that you may use in our own marketing material.

Scroll down for blogs on our Hosted Stays!

Bartering and Trades - Closed(ish)

Sometimes you just can’t afford a marketing person, a new set of photos, or even someone to set up your accounts. I get it! I am willing to trade my services for an equivalent amount of product or service.

This would work by having a conversation regarding your needs, and how much time plus my rate for that service would be. I would then create a rough invoice. You would provide your product or service in an amount that matches that invoice. When product or service is received, your invoice is Paid In Full.

* For the most part, this offering is closed. There are special exceptions, please email to see what those are. *